How to seal and protect all types of metal by applying Everbrite™, ProtectaClear®, or CrobialCoat™.

Copper will tarnish without protection. Freeze the colour of your copper and Enjoy the Beauty!
Whether Polished copper or copper with Patina, sealing is easy to keep the colour of copper.

Stop tarnish on Brass. Keep your brass looking freshly polished and brilliant. Stop tarnish, fingerprints and smudges for years. Stop polishing and enjoy the Beauty!

Bronze fades and tarnishes. Polished bronze, oil rubbed bronze, and bronze with patina can be protected to seal out oxidation and tarnish, keeping the colours bright.

Stainless Steel is not stain free. Tea staining and rust can ruin the look of stainless steel. Protect and keep stainless looking its best with ProtectaClear®.

Polished and anodised aluminium can oxidize, corrode and darken. Everbrite™ restores the colour and lustre of Anodized Aluminum, and will protect the shine of polished aluminium for years to come.

Silver Tea Sets, Silver Coffee Sets, Silver Jewellery, Silver Champagne Buckets, Sterling Silver and even Plated Silver all look great when they are freshly polished but will soon lose their lustre unless protected. Keep silver brilliant with ProtectaClear®
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